Gödölle, Kékes, Mészáros & Szabó Patent and Trademark Attorneys was established as a partnership with legal personality in 1990 by Dr. István Gödölle, Mr. László Kékes, Mrs. Enikő Mészáros and Mr. Zoltán Szabó, Hungarian patent attorneys with long-standing practice in industrial property matters.
The firm is qualified and able to handle application, nullity and cancellation cases before the Hungarian Intellectual Property Office and upon appeal before the Hungarian courts in patent, utility model, trademark, design, microelectronic topography protection, plant variety protection and geographical indication matters, furthermore to carry out patent, trademark and other searches and to give advice in all matters relating to intellectual property protection. The patent attorneys of the firm can represent clients before the Hungarian courts in litigation concerning patents, utility models, trademarks, designs, microelectronic topography protections, plant variety protections and geographical indications, as well as copyright protection of computer software and unfair competition.
The patent attorneys of the firm are also professional representatives before the European Patent Office in Munich, Germany, and before the European Union Intellectual Property Office in Alicante, Spain. They can represent clients before the International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), Geneva, Switzerland, in cases relating to international trademark registrations, international design registrations and international PCT applications. The patent attorneys of the firm are actively involved in professional bodies and associations for the protection of intellectual property, in Hungary and internationally. In 2021 the firm received the “In Memoriam Gábor Dénes” award.
Write Us: ipright@godollepat.hu