Zoltán Szabó

  • 1990-2021

Mr. Zoltán Szabó was born in 1942 in Nemeskosut, Hungary. He graduated from Dresden Technical University in Germany as a M.Sc.Mech.Eng. in 1966. After five years as a R&D engineer with Tungsram Ltd., Budapest, he became engaged with industrial property in 1971 when he started working with Patentbureau Danubia. He passed his patent attorney examination in 1974. In 1975 he accepted the invitation of his former company and worked as a company patent attorney for Tungsram Ltd. until 1982 when he switched over to private practice with Patent & Law Office for International Affairs. He went independent in 1990 when he founded this firm together with the above partners. He has been a consultant with the firm since 2006. Besides his professional activity, Mr. Szabó has been engaged in the work of the Hungarian Association for the Protection of Industrial Property and Copyright as Deputy General Secretary and Vice President, respectively, since 1990. He is a member of FICPI and served on the Council of the Hungarian Group of AIPPI from 1990 to 1994. In the Hungarian Chamber of Patent Attorneys he was a member of the Presidency from 1996 to 2002 and President from 2003 to 2005. Mr. Szabó was awarded the Jedlik Ányos Prize by the President of the Hungarian Patent Office in 1997. Passed away in 2021.